Paul Homewood, who blogs on climate at Not A Lot Of People Know That, has posted data taken from NASA showing the average summer temperatures and average July temperatures at two sites at opposite ends of the island from 1900 to the present day. The graphs clearly show that current temperatures are well within normal parameters – and may be a little under average.
Homewood’s report went on to reveal that not only was the CBS report based on carefully selected published data that had been debunked, it also relied on sea level data from satellites that scientists admit was intentionally tweaked after the fact to imply a sudden sea level rise.
Read more about the fake melting of Greenland at Breitbart
Photo: Mariusz Kluzniak on Flickr
Well, maybe it will warm up enough to fry that egg that CBS has all over there “collective” faces. You know, its sad when journalists can’t be factual, when they can’t keep their liberal opinions to themselves and when they have to lie to sell papers.
This is about as believable as the Y2K c**p!!
We can’t believe 98% of what is reported in our media.
Media is obviously in collusion with the globalist agenda… for a VERY long time.
Obamas crew probably told them what yarn to spin.
Well said, Carl M Hetherly, well said.