The left is once again going after the automobile industry by calling for new taxes on the already overtaxed drivers of America. An economist at the Congressional Budge Office suggested that the Federal government would start charging people based on their mileage. This would be done in order to generate more revenues to spend on highway projects. They obviously don’t see the flaws in that plan.
If they start taxing drivers to generate money for highway projects, drivers are going to be using the highways less and less. That’s like charging somebody a finger every time they wanted to buy a new ring.
Chad Shirley, CBO’s deputy assistant director for microeconomic studies, gave a presentation that shows federal gas tax revenues are falling short of federal spending on highway programs. Naturally, Shirley didn’t suggest less federal spending, but instead he offered three somewhat idiotic suggestions.
Read the suggestions on the next page.
Time to change the government
boy they just love stealing our money for nothing.
Cut food stamps by 10% and use that money on the roads. Quit take money out of the working folks pockets.
Cut thier Damn pay that will cover whatever the hell they need dumbasses sit in a chair all day and think up b.s. to stick us on
This is for u
This is bull.
This is ridculous. How can CBO tax anybody? Isn’t that one of the jobs of Congress? Is this the group Obama put together to find ways to tax Americans even more? This group must be defunded.
Then I will pass it on to the customer if I have too
Fucking liberals how this sound I’m gonna drive down the road and I’m not paying you anything get fucked
Thats bull c**p !