Pope Francis the 266th is quite possibly the least religious pope to hold the title since Pope Alexander VI. While Francis’s political agenda doesn’t involve jailing or murdering people for the sake of stealing their fortunes, his silence on actual religious matters speaks leagues about what kind of man he is. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) is going to boycott the Pope’s forthcoming visit to the House of Representatives because he feels the Pope should stop acting like a “leftist politician”. And he’s right. If you were expecting the Pope’s visit to America to have anything to do with religion, you’re sorely mistaken. In fact, he’s coming to talk about climate change.
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
WELL STATED. That corrupted bought-and-paid-for sorry excuse for a “pontiff” is the worst thing to happen to the papacy and to Catholicism since the Borgias, and I’m not even a Catholic. So sad, after the gentle integrity of Jean-Paul II.
Jane Smith, you need your f**e$#%&!@*deflated.
Obama is not s Christian look it up. He is not who he says he is, by now everyone knows that! I don’t care if he’s black or what color his skin yes he’s a Muslim terrorist that his been brought into this country to destroy us simple as that I’m a Christian more than you’ll ever know when you make comments about people just because of what they’re saying on Facebook doesn’t mean it’s so
And I don’t care what carly F. Says I saw the video! Research!
No not all Muslims are killers nor is the blacks, whites or Mexicans etc….
I’ve looked it up, he is a Christian, he says he’s a Christian, just like you say your a Christian and you think it’s wrong for anyone to question your faith. Then you turn around and question his. There is a word for that, hypocrisy. And you are the one believing what you read on Facebook, because this is the place where all of these lies are started and spread. Christians follow the teachings of Jesus, and I don’t see much of that on here.
I don’t want to take chances though with our lives do you?
I’ve already taken a chance with my life. And the disrespect for our commander in chief is appalling. It doesn’t matter who the President is or what you think of him, or her, the office deserves respect. Everyone in this country thinks they should be respected, but they don’t think they should show respect to anyone else.
Jim,read what Teddy Roosevelt said about patriotism. Read the federalist papers. If you can read. You are nothing but a sheep and you are the idiot that insults people. I guess you are white and I don’t like you either, so I guess that makes me racist
I’m with you but you really need to spell check and re read your postings. We will never be taken seriously if we are not perfect in our message. We ALL have to be credible when we speak.