Pope Francis the 266th is quite possibly the least religious pope to hold the title since Pope Alexander VI. While Francis’s political agenda doesn’t involve jailing or murdering people for the sake of stealing their fortunes, his silence on actual religious matters speaks leagues about what kind of man he is. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) is going to boycott the Pope’s forthcoming visit to the House of Representatives because he feels the Pope should stop acting like a “leftist politician”. And he’s right. If you were expecting the Pope’s visit to America to have anything to do with religion, you’re sorely mistaken. In fact, he’s coming to talk about climate change.
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God is not very happy with some of us right now . And him with the obamas that’s sick.
Unless the pope is f**e too!
Stfu and back to thinking about your sister freak.
Typical republican comeback, no facts, no answers, no sense, just an uneducated attempt at an insult. And your thoughts give you away. It’s your sister that should be worried, or maybe your mom ?
Pope is for NWO. Commie like O
The stupid is strong on this thread, I’m out in case it’s catching.
dear jim remember when the earth was covered in ice maybe you should study the history of the earth we have no control on warming and cooling wake up fools
I’m not old enough to remember when the earth was covered with ice. If your that old, you should have learned that carbon emissions and greenhouse gasses that are trapped in the atmosphere, cause global warming. The ice age took millions of years to thaw. Look at how far all of the glaciers have receded in just the past 100 years. Keep denying mad made climate change until your knee deep in water.
This is him