Catholic Congressman: Stop Adressling Climate ‘Like A Leftist Politician’

You’d think that as the world’s leader on religious matters, the topic of religious intolerance like the murdering of innocent christians by ISIS and other terrorist organizations would be a key talking point. But no, the Pope is choosing to feed the growing debate over the legitimacy of climate change. That sounds pretty liberal.

Many believed, like I did, that this was an opportunity for the Pope to be one of the world’s great religious advocates and address the current intolerance of religious freedom. An opportunity to urgently challenge governments to properly address the persecution and execution of Christians and religious minorities; to address the heinous and senseless murders committed by ISIS and other terrorist organizations. An opportunity to address the enslavement, belittlement, rape and desecration of Christian women and children; to address the condoned, subsidized, intentionally planned genocide of unborn children by Planned Parenthood and society; and finally, an opportunity for His Holiness to refocus our priorities on right from wrong.

But Gosar changed his mind when he realized that the Pope’s main focus would be “climate change”:

More troubling is the fact that this climate change talk has adopted all of the socialist talking points, wrapped false science and ideology into “climate justice” and is being presented to guilt people into leftist policies.

Pope Francis has already condemned anybody skeptical of the link between humans and climate change. As God’s “chosen” representative, he’s certainly not paying attention to any matters involving God. History has seen men like that do terrible things in the name of religion. You can guarantee that as soon as liberals  start pushing an agenda that connects climate change and God, it could create bigger problems.





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