Congressman Paul Gosar, a Republican from Arizona and a staunch Catholic, was truly excited about the Pope’s visit. However, he will boycott the pontiff’s activities since the Pope is on track to spout little more that socialist and environmental pap.
The leader of one of the world’s great religious should advocate and address the current intolerance of religious freedom. However, he goes in another direction. More on the next page:
As is almost always the case more like a political leader then a servant of God. It would be so cool to me if the Pope followed the example of Jesus. What a blessing, personally feeding the hungry, clothing the homeless and giving them shelter, praying for the sick, really digging in and just preaching the good news. That would really make a difference.
I’m a 7th Day Adventist I honestly think the pope could be the Anti Christ. In my opinion ofc.
There are no kings amongst men, this guy is outta control
So the Pope is wrong for preaching peace, love and understanding………………and u r right for using God to show hatred & discrimination
What he said about the Mexicans didn’t make any sense. We don’t have a problem with them migrating if it is legal, they are more than welcome
Haterd and discrimination? I honestly have no idea where that came from. And peace? Love? Understanding? He wants to flood the United States with more “refugees” you call that peace? He acts as if he is God on earth. No one man is above anybody. I’m not gonna sit here and argue on fb ar 4am. Goodbye.
Seth, I agree with all you say but 1 thing, He is not the anti christ, He is one of the fallen Angels
Even Obama is 1 of the fallen Angels, Obama thinks he is going to be the anti christ but he’s not.
I agree with the congressman. Global warming is a hoax and not happening. I think the pope should speak of the beheadings of Christians instead