When one looks at modern politics, several things come to mind. Besides the obvious draws like power, money and influence, religion now stands as mighty chess piece on the chessboard of corruption. If you’ll recall that not long ago, at a Cathedral service in Glasgow, a passage was sung from the Quran that denied Jesus as the son of God. The Cathedral praised the event, calling it “wonderful.” The song was sung during a Eucharist service to mark the feast of the Epiphany, which is a feast to celebrate the baptism of Jesus, whom the Quran passage says shouldn’t be worshiped.
People aren’t as stupid as the Catholic church seems to believe. You can’t have your contradiction cake and eat it too. To top things off, if you know anything about history, you know that Christians and Catholics have never actually got along with Muslims. If the crusades aren’t proof enough of that, the foundation of Christianity and Catholicism are the anti-thesis of everything Islam believes and follows. However, in this new era of political correctness, apparently, we can take only the pieces of religions that we like and tailor them into custom packages.
Though, some people might not be down for that. After speaking out against the Islamic prayer denying the divinity of Jesus, the senior churchman has tendered his resignation . . . or has been forced out. You know how they like to politely phrase things.
Find out why on the next page.
The people that continued to sit and listen and not stand up at that very moment are to blame as well! Every time each Christian allows this is CONSENT! It’s offensive to our religious Christian beliefs and they are to be taken as seriously as any other beliefs are to other people. It demands respect. Accepting anything else is WRONG!
Who the HELL allowed this BS!!!??? Of course it is a bigger plan and it needs to be stopped! SAY NO TO ISLAM AND KEEP IT AWAY FROM CORRUPTING THE WORLD!
God not going to like that . I bet it a lie
The “Pope” is a plant! He’s a NWO proponent and is a f**e Catholic! Get rid of him Cardinals!
I am concerned about the author of this article. The Church of Scotland is not Catholic but Protestant. Catholics do not have Eucharist Services they go to Mass. There are women in the picture dressed in a manner that women on the altar do not dress in Catholic Churches.
What a great history lesson! Thanks! We have got to wake up in this country!!
The Bible says “He who denies me before man, him I will deny before the Father. They will suffer eternal damnation in hell when He says “depart from me, I never knew you!”
Oh catholics what is wrong with you, to much koolaide!
Drain the swamp!!
Another idiot move by the Catholic church….turn the cheek and tolerance does not work when you let a violent antichrist Ian verse be sung in your church. Straighten up and lead not welcome antichrist Ian trash