Category: Trump
Donald John Trump is the 45th President of the United States, born and raised in New York City, and an outspoken man from an early age when it came …
The emergence of billionaire real estate developer Donald Trump as a political force and leader of a new America First movement has shaken traditional Republicans to their core. First, …
President Donald Trump’s initial visit to hurricane-stricken Texas last Tuesday to review rescue and recovery operations brought out Trump haters in the mainstream media and political world who bashed …
Cantankerous Arizona Senator John McCain hasn’t mellowed at all after his diagnosis of brain cancer following removal of a tumor. The 81-year old has been a persistent thorn in …
Even in a time of a true national tragedy, the mainstream media can’t control their serious illness: Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). TDS was on full display yesterday when President …
When it comes to sheer dishonesty, it’s hard to beat the Never Trumpers, who used every trick in the book to try to keep Donald Trump from securing the …
BLM leaders are trying desperately to fight President Trump. They say that President Trump embodies everything evil and that he is “literally trying to kill our communities”. The Los …
The departure of White House chief strategist Steve Bannon last week has Washington insiders buzzing about what it might mean in the short term and long term. Upon his …
Back in the good old days of the Soviet Union, when party leaders wanted to get rid of someone, they would have him declared insane and put in a …
The latest trend among the left -- particularly in the aftermath of the Charlottesville riots -- is to link Donald Trump to white supremacy, the KKK and other racial …