Category: Trump
It is hard sometimes to choose whether one should laugh or get angry with frustration over the incomprehensible reasoning that supports the opinions of Socialists, in this case Bernie …
Donald Trump is might not be the ideal conservative candidate for many, but he has several admirable qualities that have the unwashed and the clueless trembling in their boots. …
As Donald Trump continues to be blamed for the actions of both his supporters and -- oddly -- his detractors, most are ignoring the actual individuals perpetuating the chaos …
Super Tuesday Two was supposed to settle the question of whether the Republican Convention this summer was going to be contested. If Trump lost both Ohio and Florida, a …
Liberal news outlets have for months been saying that Donald Trump would be a disaster for the United States. They've basically tied his presidency to an inevitable American apocalypse, …
Stumping for Trump, because of his stance on illegal aliens, Maureen Maloney is speaking out loudly against any candidate that will reward illegals with citizenship. She has a vested …
Politicians of all stripes, Republican and Democrat, are angry that Donald Trump does not recognize his "betters." Many or most politicos have never worked in the private sector (except …
"Where the heck is Trump's name?" asked many voters in Florida as they went to the packed polling places today on Super Tuesday. Fox New's Jennifer Eckhart has received …
How does Globalism get fixed? According to Jean-Claude Van Damme, martial-art movie star of the 80's, it gets fixed by getting rid of the globalist. During a French talk …
Trump Jr. and John Legend, in a fight reminiscent of the old playground argument of 'my dad is bigger than your dad', broke out on Twitter. Legend called Donald Trump …