Category: Trump
How can a man with so many people, or organizations attacking him keep on treading through the misconceptions of a slandered presidential campaign? Perhaps, Donald Trump is aware that …
Healthcare for illegals is another disastrous Hillary Clinton pipe dream and daughter Chelsea is advocating her mom's position. This plan is part of Clinton's ploy to lure more illegals …
"The United Nations is not a friend of democracy," said Trump at the American Israel Political Affairs Committee on Monday. He continued by saying this about the UN, "It's …
There is such a great divide in America and Trump rallys offer a micro-view of how ripped apart our nation has become since Obama, the Divider-in-Chief, took office. Political …
Nearly every major news source covered the Chicago Trump rally that was cancelled because of threats of violence against Trump and his attendees, but few have taken a deep …
Although wide support has spread for a Donald Trump assassination, most people making these remarks do not realize how hypocritical they are being, further proving their intelligence of …
Ted Cruz had some very harsh words for Donald Trump this week, making what might have been the most strident criticism of the GOP frontrunner from any of his …
Straight from CNN came the recent breaking news of violence ensuing from a crowd of protesters that attended a Trump rally in Chicago; the goal of these protesters was …
Donald Trump has so many enemies that's it hard to keep track of them all, although a certain new one should draw the attention of his supporters. After months …
National Review Magazine, the publication started by William F. Buckley, and a favorite of conservatives, has created a firestorm by openly demonstrating the elitism that exists among those who …