Category: Trump
George Soros, the NWO hedge fund billionaire, is blatantly raining down millions of dollars on countless liberal organizations in the United States to hijack your freedom of choice with …
Donald Trump is bringing out the big guns to make sure that his opponents do not deny him the Republican presidential nomination. Faced by a capable rival in the …
The intolerance of the left continues to manifest itself at Trump rallies, with things getting especially tense at a particular one in Janesville, Wisconsin. Footage captured at the event …
In a Bernie versus Trump head to head, which candidate stirs up the most violence? The media has presented Trump as the one who is "inciting violence" at his …
More evidence that Donald Trump is the Republican candidate who will pose the most serious challenge to the Democrats continues to trickle in. According to PredictIt, a project that …
Donald Trump's foreign policy team just gained a new superstar member, as Jeff Sessions. Sessions is the latest prominent candidate to throw his weight behind Trump, after Chris Christie's …
Mitt Romney continues to swing at Donald Trump, and continues to fail at derailing his momentum. Speaking at a dinner for GOP members earlier this week, the 2012 Republican …
"I want a better relationship with everybody. And with Russia, yeah,” Donald Trump said. “If we can get along with Russia, that’s very good. I want to get along with …
With political corruption running high, how could there possibly be any hope in conducting a safe and secure voting system through online means? If the risk is so high …
In a move that will baffle - to say nothing of outrage - many, Ted Cruz laid blame for the terror attacks in Brussels at the feet of Donald …