Category: Trump
After massive protests in Albuquerque, Anaheim, Costa Mesa, and San Diego, one would think that San Jose would have been prepared for anti-Trump violence when the billionaire businessman came …
A Democratic congressman has proved once again why Americans no longer take them seriously. Joining in on the anti-Trump bandwagon, Texas Rep. Filemon Vela made public a profane tirade he penned against …
It's no secret that the liberal media has an obsession with Donald Trump. You only need to turn on the television or computer to see a story (or several) …
When leftists are mouthing off about their latest "moral" crisis, you can be assured they are not practicing what they preach. Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg has been an …
Hillary Clinton is a noxious, vile woman, and it is a mystery why anyone would want to vote for her or even associate with her. Donald Trump's nickname for her, …
"Trump is the only expert in jobs," states Mr. Steven Hoffenberg, CEO of the Trump Super Pack called 'Get Our Jobs Back Inc'. The faith-based organization, that runs an …
Recently in New Mexico, protestors took extreme measures against the Trump rally goers. The outrage cast throughout the crowd left little to the imagination by way of name-calling. As …
Hillary Clinton is getting desperate. She is unlikable, uninspiring, and mistrusted. Her mantra at campaign rallies is "I will fight for you," but it is clear she is only …
Need a job? George Soro's is hiring professional protesters for Trump rallies. If you are not afraid to mix it up, throw rocks at cops, get peppered sprayed for …
He has arrived at the magic number of 1,238 delegates and has clinched the GOP nomination for president today. Donald Trump, this unlikely outsider has done what many thought …