Category: Terrorism
A report from Judicial Watch details how the Mexican drug cartels smuggle foreigners from countries with ties to terrorist organizations into the United States via the Southern border through a …
Speaking at a national security conference on July 23rd, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson stated that DHS will not state that ISIS is Islamic and the agency will in no way …
Henry F. “Hank” Cooper was the chief developer of President Reagan’s space arms-control policy while he served as assistant director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency as well …
Department of Defense policy prohibits military personnel from carrying arms in recruitment centers. This only helped jihadist Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez kill four Marines and a sailor at the Armed Forces …
Iran has reportedly purchased 100 aircraft that have the ability to refuel 6-8 warplanes simultaneously. The purchase of 100 Russian IL78 MKI tanker aircraft that was placed with Moscow last year is in …
President Obama continues to tout that he has created an agreement that keeps Iran in check on their nuclear program...but the more that comes out about the deal the …
On July 15th the House Homeland Security Committee unanimously approved highly controversial legistlation that gives FEMA and DHS far more power to roundup Americans they deem as potentially violent …
"Our policy toward the arrogant U.S. government won't change at all," stated Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Saturday in his first public speech since the Islamic Republic’s …
Following the horrific murder of four Marines in Chattanooga, armed, patriotic Americans are standing guard at military recruitment centers, that are, by law, "gun free zones." Due to the …
A day after the terror attack in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Staten Island in New York has been shut down as police search for four armed men. A retired police officer …