Category: Privacy & Spying
SEATTLE, Wa. - The Seattle Police Department's new "mesh network" blankets the town with an integrated grid of 160 wireless transceivers mounted on poles. Every time a wireless device …
Will the problems with unregulated domestic spying by the NSA go away if President Obama appoints a civilian to head the agency after General Keith Alexander steps aside in …
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is applauding a Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) announcement, called a 'roadmap' for the integration of civilian drones into domestic airspace. The FAA ruled …
In a speech Tuesday night at Montreal's McGill University, Al Gore "described the activities of the National Security Agency as "outrageous" and "completely unacceptable" and said whistleblower Edward Snowden has "revealed …
NSA spying revelations by Edward Snowden are the focus of a loud public outcry recently, but the U.S. is not the only nation exposed. The Snowden documents showed major …
U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry said Friday that American spy agencies went too far in some cases, although he suggested he thinks surveillance of foreign targets has left …
Ever wonder why the public and their politicians are willing to fund and approve invasive spy programs like PRSIM and MUSCULAR? What leverage do Agencies like the NSA have …
Obama's NSA would love it if we would all just shut up and let them get back to snooping through all the data they gather. They'll send us the …
Protesters at the House of Representatives disrupted proceedings, calling for NSA to be limited, reformed: [blockquote style="2"]Code Pink protesters created a brief disruption during Tuesday’s House intelligence committee hearing …
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) sent an open letter Thursday to anti-virus software companies asking a series of questions about their experience countering - or cooperating with - government …