Category: Privacy & Spying
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" were the words of Benjamin Franklin on the idea …
On Monday federal judge in Washington ruled that the bulk collection of Americans’ phone records by the National Security Agency (NSA) likely violates the US Constitution. This marks the most …
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has confiscated a 2-inch prop pistol belonging to a sock monkey. I'm sure we all feel safer! [blockquote style="2"]The sock monkey, named “Rooster MonkBurn” …
Ever notice that some parts of the world are blurred, missing, or otherwise distorted on Google Maps? Here are 25 instances of satellite map censorship. Do you know of …
A Sunday report of the fixes applied to the government health care exchange website shows that, from a security standpoint, the system is actually worse than when cyber security …
The Electronic Frontier Foundation has taken Wall Street Journal columnist L. Gordon Crovitz to task for his error-riddled and misleading column of Monday, Nov. 24th entitled " Snowden and His …
Information Technology company TrustedSec revealed Monday in a Congressional hearing they discovered profiles from the site indexed on Google as well as numerous security flaws. The company did no …
In the wake of information leaked by Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency (NSA) has been swamped by an 888% surge in Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Clearly, …
Monday morning the U.S. Supreme Court announced it has declined to consider a June complaint challenging the legality of the National Security Agency's dragnet phone surveillance program. This challenge …
Jeremy Hammond was sentenced to 10 years in jail on Friday for leaking data he obtained to Wikileaks. Hammond released emails from Strategic Forcasting, Inc. (Stratfor) that show the …