Category: Privacy & Spying
“In the future, the smart network could track every place we go, everything we buy, everything we do all the time,” states CBS reporter Bill Whitaker. 'Smart' street lights …
In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that police must obtain a warrant to look around on your cell phone. “The fact that technology now allows …
In a bipartisan vote, the House has approved an amendment that significantly reigns in warrantless searches on Americans by the National Security Agency. The Huffington post states the amendment, …
Obama is using the FBI to intervene in routine state public records cases and criminal trials in order to quiet local law enforcement about special equipment they use to record …
In a very familiar sounding mantra, the NSA stated in a legal filing to a federal court last Friday that it's 'too big to comply with the law'. “ …
General Keith Alexander, former director of the NSA, recently announced on CNN that the US or Europe is sure to be hit by a terrorist attack. We will experience …
A woman living in the Will County forest preserve near Chicago received a citation this month in the mail from police after she posted a comment in a private forum …
Over 200 million Americans will be compelled to disclose their intimate financial details into a new national database currently being assembled by The Federal Housing Finance Agency and the …
The Stingray is a small device that mimics cellular towers - tricking all wireless devices on the same network into communicating with it, which enables local police that utilize it …
Have you been spied on by the NSA? You may soon find out as Glenn Greenwald, the journalist who received the documents from Edward Snowden and helped facilitate the …