Category: Privacy & Spying
The FBI is taking the position that they don't need a warrant to spy on Americans using machines that mimic cellular phone towers, called the Stingray, that capture cell phone user's identities, current …
The UK government wants to keep a close eye on all their toddlers with the intention of identifying those at risk of becoming terrorists. Nursery staff, teachers and child care providers …
When Congress passed the Intelligence Authorization Act for 2015, it granted the executive branch not only the ability to spy on American citizens private communications, but also the legal authority to …
Sharyl Attkisson, a former reporter who quit CBS claiming that it censored stories that were critical of Obama, now claims that she was spied on by a “government-related entity” that …
One primary school in the UK feels that it's so important to prevent transphobia, or the fear of transsexual people, that they have introduced unisex toilets. Of course, many …
When the federal government told Yahoo! to turn over user communications they initially refused on the grounds it was unconstitutional - a legal battle ensued. Court documents released last …
A recent publication by Popular Science details how over a dozen mysterious, phony cell phone towers have been discovered, most of them on our military bases. These phony towers, …
Remember in March when Mark Brennan denied outright accusations that the CIA snooped on sensitive data stored on computers in Senate offices? Now his own Inspector General confesses the agency …
CISA is the latest creation of Dianne Feinstein to destroy your Constitutional rights. It grants the government authorization to ask companies to 'voluntarily' give them your personal information with …
Are you taking the measures to protect your online privacy? Well, if you are, you must be a dangerous anti-American extremist, according to the NSA. A German publication got …