Category: Privacy & Spying
We continue to uncover the incredibly vast surveillance network of the federal government and the innumerable methods they employ to spy on Americans. They seem to have an insatiable appetite when …
The National Science Foundation, an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950, has started funding research into 'body antennas'. These are high frequency antennas permanently implanted under the …
Walmart has been installing facial recognition cameras at eye level in the entrances of their new store fronts for some time now. These cameras not only have the ability to cross reference …
The Senate blocked the reauthorization of the Patriot Act early Saturday morning with three sections set to expire on May 31st and no clear plan to address the bill …
Kentucky senator Rand Paul launched a filibuster Wednesday afternoon against the renewal of a provisions of the Patriot Act, including Section 215, which permits the controversial bulk collection of American's …
Next month Congress will decide whether or not to renew the Patriot Act that made the NSA's enormous spy program possible - but a federal appeals court has just …
Paradise Valley in Arizona recently installed cameras with license plate scanning functionality inside of fake cactuses all around their town. Paradise Valley first installed around 2 dozen fake cactuses …
Jacksonville, FL is preparing to install over 50 LED streetlights that will be “interconnected with one another and will collect real-time data,” on residents. As part of a new …
Fox News recently exposed the use of a hidden face and license place scanner being used by a Post Office in Denver, CO. One hour after Fox discovered the …
Buried within the fine print of the privacy policy of the Samsung's SmartTv is the admission that the TVs not only record everything that is said in the room, it …