Category: U.S.
You know it's bad when the KKK shows more manners than a liberal social justice warrior group. A group of armed domestic terrorists (Antifa) crashed Charlottesville victim Heather Heyer's …
The whole idea behind getting rid of the Confederate memorials so urgently right now is that they represent slavery and racism. But why now and why so urgently? They …
You'll never be able to guess how many times President Trump has disavowed racism, the KKK, and white supremacy ONLY to have the fake news outlets pretend not to hear …
BLM has a lot to say about what went down in Charlestown. They are vowing to use this opportunity to force action. And nobody knows how to deal in …
We've officially reached the point of no return, I believe. It appears that the snowflake mentality has reached a fevered pitch where no one will ever be tolerated again. …
A few years ago, when the Ukraine was being attacked by Russians in a passive-aggressive way, the Obama administration decided to issue a very sternly worded "You'd better not!" …
The false flag riots in Charlottesville are already starting to produce the desired results liberals were hoping for. Blame for this horrible unfolding of staged human bigotry and hate …
Donald Trump's first press conference as President of the United states delighted supporters with it's feisty spirit and attacks against the liberal press. Now, seven months later, not much …
The schoolyard bully is back and crying louder than ever before as he was once again slapped around by President Donald Trump. Donny Deutsch, favorite of Joe Scarborough and …
The false flag riots in Charlottesville VA over the weekend brought out the worst in people. And that was exactly the point. It is our duty as Christians and …