Category: U.S.
With the news that the DNC was employing a set of three foreign nationals, as well as the wife and best friend of one of them, it is not …
Hillary Clinton has so many excuses for why she lost the 2016 presidential elections she literally wrote a book. The latest revelation from What Happened? Other people ran in …
TV host Steve Harvey is trying to make America's inner-cities great with the help of Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson -- but the comedian is receiving …
Pop icon Cher wants to hide a bunch of DACA participants less than an hour from this writer's home, and she wants me, you and the rest of America …
This week, the Trump administration announced an end to DACA, an Obama-era program that allowed illegal immigrants who were brought to the country as children to work and live …
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) put on his liberal big boy pants this morning and recorded a scathing video for his embarrassingly small 3,700 YouTube followers. And no his tantrum …
When President Barack Hussein Obama made the phone call to his Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency and whispered that there would be trainloads of illegal children on their …
Donald Trump weighed in on Twitter over the weekend on the infamously stupid question, and title of new Clinton memoir, What Happened. His hilarious contributions to the mock debate …
The billionaire globalist, George Soros, who uses his powerful influence and fortune to rule the world, is a terrorist. He himself says that “normal rules do not apply” to …
This week, President Donald Trump is expected to end DACA, a program designed to allow illegal immigrants to stay and work legally in the United States. The decision -- …