Category: U.S.
In a small town in New Jersey where the bulk of the residents are used to seeing signs in Korean and wondering if the local pizza parlor was also …
There is no lack of Trump-haters in this country (or for that matter, around the world), but it's easy to get caught up in the fact that Barack Hussein …
Early on in the opening day of the Trump presidency, he took the advice of his staff and officially filed with the Federal Elections Commission his bid for the …
Former 1st lady Michelle Obama confirmed everyone’s worst suspicions in a recent interview at the Pennsylvania Conference for Women. First of all, she shared that while Barack was working …
Keith Olbermann is back. His GQ paycheck of $967 (before taxes) monthly came in and, after paying his mother's mortgage, the electric bill, the water bill, the groceries, the …
There is no denying that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is a man trying to maintain the peace between the fractured Republican Party and the Leftocrats who have been at …
New York’s public transportation system is under scrutiny for spending over $100 million dollars on mysterious metal towers surrounding the entrances of tunnels. Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) claims this …
Despite many attempts to look the other way, the United States military has gravitated ever more closely to the central notion that we need to be an autonomous entity …
Hillary Clinton’s recent bizarre forced crazy-eyed interviews have got many people talking. We already know this swamp monster is incapable of telling the truth or leaving a widely alleged …
According to one liberal college activist, your belonging doesn't belong to you if they support “genocide” and “racism”. Furthermore, they can just steal those belongings and call it a …