Category: U.S.
Mexican drug cartels take in somewhere between $19 and $29 billion annually from drug sales in the US. And the drug war has claimed more than 50,000 lives since …
For decades, the Deep State has followed a pattern of placing its interests above all other considerations, including American lives. Federal agents knew days before the 'surprise' bombing attack …
Has President Trump been the victim of a not-so-silent coup? Has his presidency been completely usurped? We are all aware of the Deep State and how it has been …
No doubt about it, George Soros is the puppet master for Marxism worldwide. His pet organizations have been involved in revolutions around the globe as his socialist fingers are in …
There are many terrific topics you can use if you want to start a discussion that rapidly deteriorates into an acrimonious exchange of insults. Reason goes out the window …
Mr. Mueller's investigation resembles the proverbial "Seven Year Itch" more than anything else. It just won't go away and remains an irritation that doesn't kill you, but certainly makes …
It's easy to avoid writing about Congresswoman Maxine Waters. Instead, you really would prefer she just go away and quit bothering us, making a fool of herself, and disrupting …
If Hillary Clinton were a stock you owned, you'd be taking a beating. She hit her high when she was running for president and almost everyone was convinced she …
As time passes people often forget details and retain only overall impressions. In fact, people can reinvent themselves to some degree, changing the population's opinions of them by a …
If you believe that there are powerful forces that have been planning to take down a Trump presidency even before he was elected, then you are not some sort …