Category: U.S.
A hairdresser has lost his job and is facing charges after he violently kicked pro-life demonstrator in Toronto on Sunday. Police have confirmed that they are looking for Jordan …
On Tuesday at an Atlantic Festival event, Hillary Clinton burst out into a shrill cackle when asked about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's claim that the multiple sexual misconduct …
Senator Ted Cruz and his wife, Heidi, were forced to leave a D.C.-area restaurant on Monday after being accosted by protesters over their support for Supreme Court nominee Judge …
Mark Taylor, a retired firefighter and author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” says indictments of criminals in the Deep State will soon cause civil unrest after the …
During an appearance on 'The Late Show' with Stephen Colbert Friday night, two-time presidential loser candidate Hillary Clinton called for the FBI to investigate Christine Blasey Ford's claims of …
The deputy attorney general Rod J. Rosenstein offered to secretly record President Trump inside the Oval Office in order to obtain material to whip up support among Cabinet members …
Despite President Trump's order given on Monday for the "immediate declassification of sensitive materials related to the investigation on Russian interference in the 2016 election, the Department of Justice, …
During an impassioned speech at an LGBT charity event, former Vice President Joe Biden lambasted Trump supporters as "virulent people" who are the "dregs of society" but now have …
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo vehemently criticized his predecessor John Kerry for "actively undermining" the Trump administration after Kerry admitted to having several meetings with the Iranian foreign minister …
Omarosa Manigault Newman, the former contestant on "The Apprentice" who later became a White House aide, appeared on ABC’s “The View” on Monday in order to release a secret …