Category: Terrorism
In 2016, it seems to be somewhat trendy among those on the left to criticize -- and often berate -- Christianity and Christians for their religious beliefs. Christians who oppose …
As more and more information becomes available about Omar Mateen, the Islamic terrorist who murdered 50 people at a gay Orlando nightclub and shot perhaps 50 more, it is …
When news broke that a Muslim gunman had killed nearly 50 people in a gay club in Orlando, many assumed that the attack was at least partially motivated by …
As the nation mourns the loss of life, investigators are turning over every stone in the Mateen family to determine the extent to which Islamic radicalization played a part …
Raven-Symoné, like many in the LGBT entertainment community, is a nut job obsessed with her "gayness" and everything LGBT. That focus overwhelms everything else on earth, including the worst …
The latest trend among Democrat politicians is to call global warming the greatest national security threat facing our nation. The assertion is generally met with a collective eye roll, …
In the aftermath of 9/11, Americans seem united in disgust and stood as one as an opponent to terror. Now, things are much more complicated. Recent acts of radical Islamic …
Forty-nine people are dead because one evil man, with a twisted religious ideology, decided to 'honor Allah' and go on a killing rampage. Omar Mateen was a devout Muslim, who …
Another ISIS kill list has emerged from the group United Cyber Caliphate, a pro-ISIS hacking group. The list includes the names, email and physical addresses of 8,318 individuals A pro-ISIS …
The popular restaurant, Max Brenner, located in the upscale dining and shopping area of Sarona Market, in Tel Aviv, was rocked with gunfire as two terrorists shot and killed …