Category: International
Is there a term for someone who won't just shut up? Is "un-shut-uppable" a word? I'm really starting to wonder if Hillary and Obama are un-shut-uppable. I'm beginning to …
This newest climate change Paris Accord is looking more and more like a good old-fashioned pyramid scheme every day since the president announced that the United States would not …
Multicultural madness continues unabated in Australia as Islamic leaders in Victoria are demanding that the Victorian government provide safe places for angry young Muslim men to vent their rage. …
London Mayor, Sadiq Khan is coming out swinging in defense of his longtime support of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Louis Farrakhan is a highly controversial figure due …
With the world focused on terrorist attacks in Europe and absurd political drama in the United States, a few regions in the world have gone unnoticed -- particularly the Middle …
Senior U.K. politicians are proudly demonstrating to the world they’re serious about eradicating radical Islamic terrorism. London Mayor Sadiq Khan, Home Secretary Amber Rudd, and Shadow Home Secretary Diane …
Patriot Prayer is a Trump supporter group that routinely goes out into public areas and carries Holy Bibles with them as they quote scripture and show support in a …
Bilderbergers gathered once again for their yearly meeting that "officially" didn't take place in a location that wasn't really hosting the imaginary meeting and they didn't talk about issues …
Oh, Canada. The country just north of the United States is once again showing the extreme peril liberalism places on society. It should come as no surprise that the …
Brits woke up yesterday to a testy interview of London Mayor Sadiq Khan by host Piers Morgan on “Good Morning Britain.” With the country still on edge following the …