Category: International
When one makes investment decisions, in particular, international investments, "country risk" is near the top of the list of priorities to consider. In other words, how friendly is the …
Politicians get into office and remain there not because they are good economists, well-versed in foreign policy, or even particularly intelligent. They are in office because they are good …
The U.N. is nothing more than a global policing agency of the New World Order. Explosive new reports are claiming U.N. staff have been routinely engaging in tens of …
Just because the liberals and one-world-government supporters lost a fanatical supporter in the White House a year ago does not mean they've given up. In fact, they are not …
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi appears to have lost what little grip on reality that she had. From claiming on national television that the “Constitution doesn't give you the …
Few things are more predictable than a leftist politician meeting reality despite most of these dim-witted folks being too caught up in the clouds to notice or care much. …
For many years people have whispered and murmured behind closed doors of a dark ominous force pulling the strings behind the scenes in every sector of society, be it …
The left loves to proclaim that banning guns removes the threat of violence from society and that fear of migrant crime is just the talk of rabid right-wingers. It …
German Public Television has a message for you and your young children, we are all Muslim deep down. The re-education attempts on the New World Order could not be …
Leftist British media couldn’t stop gushing when London elected their first Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan. In the short year and a half since he’s been elected, England has completely …