Category: International
In the Middle-East, what appears to be happening is frequently not what really is happening. Or to put it another way, this is a land of shifting alliances as …
Just mention the name "George Soros" and instantly you have raised emotions and generated controversy. And for good reason. The globalist billionaire is not content to use his fortune …
We ignore men like Dr. Paul Craig Roberts at our own peril. This is a man who was on the "inside" during the Reagan administration as President Reagan negotiated …
We ignore, or worse, poke fun at Russia's military at our own peril. There is much solid reasoning behind the belief that the United States has the most powerful, …
The battle over the status and disposition of illegal aliens is accelerating. Liberals simply cannot get enough of these people. If Nancy Pelosi and her allies could hire buses …
American liberals are very upset by the bluntness of President Trump's remarks. He doesn't couch his comments in "politician-speak" like Mr. Obama or Mrs. Clinton. He speaks plainly on …
To get up to speed, a former Russian spy and his daughter currently live in the UK. Both of them were the victim of some sort of a chemical …
It would be absolutely magnificent if all of the Democrats' efforts to implicate President Trump in nefarious connections with Russian interests blew up in their face. Happily, that appears …
There can be no question that the team of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton would sell out America to achieve their political objectives. None at all. These are people …
Nuclear brinksmanship is a dangerous game. There's always the possibility that someone will make a tragic error and set off a chain of events that leaves much of the …