Category: Middle East
When Barack Obama described the Islamic terror group ISIS as nothing more than a Junior Varsity (JV) military operation, he could very well have been describing himself and his …
If you didn't think that ISIS could stoop any lower, a shocking new directive issued by the terrorist group will quickly change your mind. Apparently not satisfied by the …
Rebel Syrian forces fighting the Islamic State surprised the world today in a video featuring the fighters' treatment of ISIS prisoners. Deliberately echoing the chilling nature of the infamous …
Jihadists fighting in Syria are falling en-masse for a powerful drug, exacerbating the already-chaotic conflict further. Bringing in a massive haul of narcotics last weekend, Turkish law enforcement halted …
Hillary Clinton is a shameless liar, and everyone knows it. She has been caught out prevaricating so many times that when she speaks it is almost assumed that what …
Today marks International Human Rights Day and Iran is demonstrating its support of human rights by announcing that it will be stoning a woman who was convicted of being …
Donald Trump may have found a new friend in his fight against the Democrats, Republicans, media -- basically everybody -- over his controversial call to ban non-Citizen Muslims into the …
Saudi Prince Abou Lbarae Kahtani is a pedophile and still they throw a party to celebrate his sick depravity that is upheld and encouraged by his religion. An innocent adorable girl …
American citizens are facing a serious threat in Turkey. In an urgent statement, the US government has warned Americans visiting the predominantly-Muslim nation that there exists an "imminent security …
President Obama's new administrative czar for handling strategy against the Islamic State has raised many eyebrows. In an unusual move for an appointment of this nature, the administration has been very mum …