Category: Immigration
While the political elite are eager to welcome over a million immigrants into Western Europe this year, not everybody seems to share their enthusiasm. Citizen protests have taken place …
Some incredibly damning information has come out about a number of Christian "non-profit" groups. Writing in Breitbart, Michael Patrick Leahy documents what can only be interpreted as collusion between …
What the heck is going on at MSNBC? They're asking good questions for once! In an interview with Chris Hayes, Iowa Representative Steve King discussed his views on immigration …
Want to sneak into a European country and wreak havoc? Just pose as a poor refugee. It seems to work for many, though this group of eight did not …
As more information is coming to light about the terrorists responsible for the attacks in Paris, the fact that at least one of them was found to have entered …
U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents on the Arizona border apprehended six illegals entering the United States from Mexico. This is not your everyday, Hispanic capture, but one more …
The American SAFE Act, which would have provided additional screening of the 10,000 incoming "refugees," will not be able to overcome the threat of Presidential veto. Barack Obama's agenda …
President Obama is calling for greater and greater numbers of Syrian migrants to be granted entrance and asylum into the U.S., in spite of the fear that the flood …
Oh, Nancy, your comments are 'just stunning", as you tell the American people to think about how cruel our broken immigration system is as they prepare for Thanksgiving. Here …
Arafat "Ralph" Succor is a Syrian born resident of Brooklyn, New York, and is warning Americans that Syrian terrorists have been moving into the US for years. Succor, 57, …