Category: Immigration
American universities are for profit entities and with the 974,926 foreign students spending billions in tuition and fees, there is great incentive to keep them coming. However the issue …
The sexual abuse saga continues making its way across the German countryside as other cities reporting, along with Cologne, attacks against many women by men described as "foreign". Cologne, as …
The victims, of the New Year's Eve Cologne accosting, have finally been given a platform to speak, though not because the media showed any interest or care initially. Due to …
The United States Education Department has taken it's marching orders from a survey produced by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an Islamic "civil rights group" with ties to the …
German women should not be afraid to go out in their hometowns, yet because of Chancellor Merkel's open door policy to immigrants, the citizens, and specifically the women of Germany, …
A young German girl, a virgin, was gang raped by seven diabolical Muslim men. The horrors this innocent girl endured at the hands of wicked animals will never be …
President Barack Obama promised to transform America, and the American people bought into that promise without ever looking into the details. Those details are now becoming apparent as the …
Happy New Year Arnberg, Germany! No fireworks for you! The residents, in the small town of Arnberg, of the western state of North Rhine-Westpahlia, was ordered not to set …
On the Greek island of Lesbos, Susan Sarandon began the first part of her "immersive" reporting experience the Huffington Post is calling "The Crossing". If you take into account the fact …
Just like how liberals in the US bury their heads in the sand over the threat of terrorists sneaking into the country, all too many in the UK ignore …