Category: Immigration
A courageous Sunni Muslim woman, Raheel Raza is speaking out against radical Islam in a video, gone viral, entitled, By The Numbers – The Untold Story of Muslim Opinions & …
Remember Obama's campaign promises to fundamentally change America? It seems that part of his plan is to literally drop hundreds of refugees into small town America, the heart and …
Ann Coulter, one of the most influential conservative writers in America, recently wrote a book called "Adios America." In it she highlighted the damage that has been to the …
The twilight of the west is upon us and it is time to recognize that your crazy uncle was right most of the time after all. Since 2008, the …
In the aftermath of Donald Trump's first dust up with Megyn Kelly, Trump instituted a self-imposed boycott of Fox News in which he adamantly refused to appear on any …
The media, not just in the United States, but worldwide, refuses to see the probability that the massive Islamic migration is a problem of Biblical proportions. It is, in essence, an …
Rios Covarrubia is an illegal alien. Not an illegal "immigrant" or a "migrant." He is an illegal alien who does not belong in the United States of America. Nor …
A video has emerged on YouTube of a mob of migrants and anti-borders activists descending upon the home of a family in Calais, France. The mob was composed primarily …
It's a dark night at the airport, and the red-eye from Iraq to the United States is taxiing to the farthest side of the embarkation area. Maybe the lights …
The leader of the notoriously militant Nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, praised Donald Trump's skepticism of Muslim immigration into the United States during an interview in Alex Jones. Luis …