Category: Other
In what is certain to create intense discussion and study, a slab of limestone where Jesus is believed to have been placed after being crucified was exposed for viewing …
American society has become mighty accepting of things over the past ten years: same-sex marriage, the transgender movement, Muslim importation, etc. But thankfully, that tolerance only goes so far …
The only thing more frightening to Americans than the threat of a Hillary Clinton presidency is killer clowns. Those who view the lingering fear of clowns as irrational are …
Every so often mankind makes remarkable leaps in science and technology. A hundred years ago, nobody would have even dreamed that man would walk on the moon, let alone …
Anybody who still denies that the left's campaign against law enforcement has led to a toxic, dangerous environment that endangers the lives of police officers better pay close attention …
The knockout game may be the cause of death in a brutal attack in the Lawncrest section of Philadelphia. The victim, Mardoquo Sincal Jochola was a 30-year-old, who had only …
The recent explosion of the Space X rocket at Cape Canaveral last week has been a subject of both shock and curiosity. Elon Musk has revolutionized the electric car …
The latest crack in Hillary Clinton's claims that she cooperated fully with the FBI in its investigation into her private email server has split a gaping hole into that narrative. Ever …
Wow, what a surprise: President Obama is intertwining two of his favorite political hobby horses in order to undermine America's sovereignty as well as it's people's liberties. It's no secret …
His god-complex explains so much about George Soros, the billionaire globalist, who uses his powerful influence in every corner of the Earth. Soros has said of himself that "normal …