Category: Other
The great "uniter", President Obama, has become the great "inciter" when it comes to race relations. His legacy will not be remembered as one of bringing people together, but …
The hysterical backlash against Donald Trump's success in the GOP primaries is reaching new heights. In an unprecedented, unbelievably petty move, two New York lawmakers have begun proceedings to …
Another fast food giant has jumped on the sharia bandwagon. Seeking to spread it's lucrative business to France, Burger King has decided to save itself the cost of building …
The Obama administration couldn't make it's contempt for Israel and Jewish tradition any clearer last week. Having held an excessive amount of awkward, even tenuous Chanukah ceremonies in the …
One of the defining traits of liberals is their ability to make anything and everything about race, even if the subject in question has absolutely nothing to do with …
What would it take for you to stop hating your boss? Probably a million dollars, right? Well, let's assume you and el jefe had a little sit down and …
GOP frontrunner Donald Trump is now underfire by an enemy from the darkest corners of the Internet. Having targeted groups like ISIS and the Ku Klux Klan in the …
With so much buzzing in the news about terrorism and Presidential campaign, people have forgotten about the frenzy of safe spaces and racially hypersensitive issues that were getting all …
The New York Daily News may not want to believe in God, but they certainly think politicians can play god by legislating gun control. In the myopic world in …
At least 12 people have been killed and eight injured in mass shooting inside a learning disability center in California. Police are still on the hunt for three 'white …