Category: Other
Donald Trump, fed up with the way Fox News has been treating him this past election cycle, is putting his foot down and leaving the cable giant in the …
Unfortunately, it seems the left-wing hysteria over the Confederate flag has managed to infiltrate the ranks of our armed forces. This is apparently the case as 18 year-old Anthony …
The city council of New York City is planning to dilute a host of criminal laws, including a law against public urination because the council feels that too many …
In a time where finding a story about alleged "racial inequality" is as simple as opening the Internet, Breitbart Tech Editor Milo Yiannopoulos is firing back by creating the …
Dangerous Things wants you to toss your boarding pass and passport out the window and use their xNT implant, which has been successfully implanted and used by Andreas Sjöström, the vice …
In an time when most celebrities race to pay obeisance to Obama, classic rocker Ted Nugent stands his ground and announces that not only does the emperor have no …
James Bell Tavern, Bill of Rights Birthplace In Silver Spring Township, Pennsylvania, an old stone house was slated for demolition. In fact, on January 6th demolition was begun, but …
For whatever reason, Glenn Beck has gone from comparing Democrats to Nazis to comparing Republicans to Nazis. Speaking on his radio program this past Thursday, the former Fox News …
The media is having a meltdown over the very real possibility that Donald Trump will be the GOP nominee this November, and it's showing in a new, desperate push …
As Hillary sets her sights on the nomination for the Democratic Party, someone from Bill's past is resurfacing to prevent just that. Breaking her long silence, Linda Tripp blasted …