Category: Other
Martin Shkreli is a 32-year-old former hedge fund manager who simply has too much money and too much ego. He is an opportunistic millennial who has no heart and …
Earth will experience a close encounter of an asteroid that will pass by in March. How close exactly? The moon is 384,400 kilometers from the earth and this asteroid will pass …
Ted Cruz might have 'won' the battle in Iowa, but it doesn't look like he's on his way to winning the war in the next battleground state. Surprising many, …
Evidence is mounting that the GOP establishment got it's hands dirty to sabotage Donald Trump's prospects in the Iowa primary. That Ted Cruz emerged on top yesterday came as …
If the latest news is any indication, NASA has even bigger problems than many previously thought. You would think that considering the sensitive nature of the work it does, …
America has thousands of men and women who work day and night to keep us safe, but it only takes a few of them losing their equipment and identification …
It could be a case of mistaken identity, or perhaps his evil twin did it. But in the state of Indiana, Democrat City Council member Robert Battle is sitting …
Founded on November 20, 2015, with the mission to "provide these veterans with a fully furnished home so they can have a real new beginning", David Preston, a U.S. …
There was a time when the United States was seen as the most desired country to live in throughout the world. That was before Barack Obama went on a …
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's conduct has become so shocking that at least one mental health professional is wondering if she is all there. Hans-Joachim Maaz is a German psychologist …