Category: Other
The media has manufactured its latest controversy about the Trump campaign by blowing a heated altercation out of proportion. News outlets have run wild today with footage of a …
In an e-mail to her sister Komel Crowley wrote "We obviously don’t get any form of pleasure withholding communication from our own family...we are dealing with an endless list …
More than a dozen holistic doctors have been found dead by suicide, heart attacks, or in some off circumstance. In the video on the next page, the reason why …
The anti-free speech crowd is getting a taste of what it wants for anybody who exercises their First Amendment rights in ways they don't approve of. Video of a …
Our democracy has become such a joke that actors are able to make a buck off of it, and I'm not just talking about the politicians in Washington. You would …
With the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia triggering a heated debate over nominations to the court, clear lines have been drawn. Republicans believe the president should hold …
President Obama continues to cement his reputation as the most petty and thoroughly reprehensible individual to ever occupy in the White House. When legendary Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia …
The PC police are entrenching their stranglehold on not just college campuses but student's minds as well. Part of the way they do that is limit the viewpoints students …
Big government liberals look out for their own, as the city of Chicago's treatment of one it's own proves. Before she became notorious as one of the main people …
Hillary Clinton may be the poster child for political corruption, but it seems Bernie Sanders' campaign is trying to give the former Secretary of State a run for her …