Category: Off the Grid
There are two stills here - one in a video and directions to make another below the video, both on the next page. With these stills the water will be completely …
Here's a video on how to make an emergency water filter backup from common household items. This DIY water filter is conveniently small so having a couple for backup …
Food storage is certainly a highly subjective topic. From vegetarians to organic food preferences to food allergies, there is great individuality in each case. This video series covers a …
A simple solar heater that is cheap and easy to make. When there is direct sun on the unit it produces heat like a hair dryer. According to the …
Building your own windmill generator can provide you free energy and make you more self-sufficient. It also might be easier to build than you think. And, the government hasn't …
For less than $2 a piece, you can make survival candles with 60+ hours of burn time. These are easy to make and soy based. Nicely presented video. [video …
The Fire Video: several unusual ways to start a fire that you might not know about. Did you know that you can make great tinder with dyer wool or cotton …
2 nice lighting tips in one video: 1 -- How to make a flashlight with 2 batteries + 2 paper clips + tape + bulb If you're flashlight ever …
It doesn't get much easier to build a rocket stove than this: 4 cinder blocks + a gas stove eyelet + 5 minutes If you want to improve a …
Instead of junk mail being a pain to go through, having it scattered on your kitchen table and filling up your trash can, why not turn it into free …