Category: Obama
Having found himself on both sides of nearly every major political issue at some point, it was only a matter of time before President Obama proposed doing something that …
The Obama administration did back-flips to dismiss the Muslim terrorism that is occurring throughout the world. They insist that the attacks are not just against Western countries, but include …
The Obama Administration has shown itself repeatedly to be dishonest and lawless over the last seven years as Obama led the nation into deep debt and fiscal irresponsibility. He …
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest is much like a ventriloquist dummy, sitting on Obama's knee, while the President throws his voice, through Earnest, making statements like: "Officials at …
As much as President Obama almost certainly hates to admit, business is booming for the gun industry, and his policies are the reason why. Spending the last year of …
At this point, Obama's fanbase has shrunk to a small, fanatical group that persists in believing the lies he spouts. This wouldn't be a problem except for the fact …
The National Religious Broadcasters is to the First Amendment, what the NRA is to the Second Amendment, fighting for the rights of Christians that have been methodically eroded by …
Barack Obama is perhaps the most narcissistic and self-referential president we have ever had. Unfortunately, the fawning media never calls him on it, nor does it point out nonsense …
Barack Obama has been a disaster for this nation, instituting things like Obamacare which is destroying the financial well being of the middle class as well as tearing down …
In an time when most celebrities race to pay obeisance to Obama, classic rocker Ted Nugent stands his ground and announces that not only does the emperor have no …