Category: Obama
Big government liberals look out for their own, as the city of Chicago's treatment of one it's own proves. Before she became notorious as one of the main people …
The brutal attack on a decorated war veteran this week by radical thugs exposes the hypocritical nature of the Obama administration. While the president went out of his way …
Barack Obama promised to be a uniter of the nation and suggested that as an African American he would be able to help bridge the gap between races. He …
8 years into the Obama administration, and liberals are still insisting that any dissent from his policies is motivated by racism. Exhibit A is Juan Williams, who apparently is …
Barack Obama has been an arrogant and high-handed leader who is uninterested in both tradition and in the feelings and history of the people. Certainly his overt decisions to …
A GOP lawmaker, Rep. Michael Turner, who sits on the House Armed Services and Intelligence Committees, spoke out against the increasing threats that face the country, and how vulnerable he …
As America remains involved in a multitude of unconstitutional wars, the recent passing of Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia has left many wary of Obama's next move. As Scalia …
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was one of the most brilliant jurists to ever sit on the bench. He was selected by President Ronald Reagan in 1986, and confirmed …
Apparently, for Vice Adm. Ted “Twig” Branch, who is in charge of the Navy's intelligence division, the title holds little power. According to the Washington Post, since November 2013 …
When it comes to people who dismiss anything that doesn't agree with their perception of reality, few surpass the ability of President Obama to do just that. Of course, …