Category: Iran
The media protects Obama, spins his lies into palatable sound bites and keeps the reality of his dangerous foreign policy decisions out of the public purview. One senior military …
The State Department must be feeling the heat from the White House, because it's frantically trying to clean it's records of information that contradicts the Obama administration's narrative. Few …
In spite of the much-vaunted deal with Iran, the theocratic Muslim nation continues to double down on it's inflammatory rhetoric and actions against the United States. State-controlled media reported …
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, as stated in their Wiki, is "to advance a balance and realistic understanding for American interest in the Middle East and to …
If there has ever been a chance to legally present real and untainted 2001 September 11th terrorist attack evidence in a U.S. court of law, this may just be …
After several reckless provocations by Iran, President Obama has decided to double down and extend his olive branch further even as the Iranians may grab it and break it …
The hubris of the Obama administration has been on display for over 7 years, and it is stunning to see, given the geopolitical ignorance and naivete on display by …
Late last year, Secretary of State John Kerry completed an agreement with Iran that the Obama administration touted as a new and exciting indication of greatly improved relations between …
Democrats have long pooh-poohed security concerns over Hillary Clinton's emails, but according to a former administration official, such concerns are totally warranted. As Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates not …
An ongoing question among diplomatic circles is if a nation or a people can effectively negotiate with terrorists or kidnappers, and it is a vexing problem. Many would say …