Category: Iran
The latest gaping hole in the Obama administration's narrative regarding its underhanded transfer of money to Iran has been exposed, and is it not a pretty sight. After almost …
For someone who claims to not ever have paid ransom money to Iran, President Obama is acting very touchy about the matter. While the administration's handling of the media furor …
After it shamelessly gave in to the ludicrous demands of the Iranians after they held four Americans hostage, it has been learned that the $400 million ransom wasn't the only …
Iran continues to profit handsomely off of Obama's presidency. The Obama administration said that the $1.3 billion paid in January, just two days after the ransom payment of $400 million …
The carefully-crafted story around the Obama administration's secretive transfer of $400 million to Iran has crumbled under the weight of its own implausibility. The White House has been in …
The heat generated by the Obama administration's exchange of $400 million in foreign currencies for the release of four American hostages appears to be getting too much even for …
At last, it seems like President Obama has finally dug a hole for himself that not even his lackeys in the media can get him out of. Since day …
No longer satisfied with groveling before the Iranians, the Obama administration has worked to empower the radical Muslim nation even more than it already has done. Regardless of the …
Secretary of State John Kerry proudly announced that he had secured an agreement that would halt the Iranian nuclear weapons program in exchange for our dropping trade sanctions against …
Iran has toyed with Obama, laughing at him as he plays with the strings that have entangled him. The administration’s caving into the Iranian regime’s demands that it actively …