Category: Property Rights
Lawmakers and land-owners are worried that the Obama regime's newest attempt at government control of what is now private property would allow the EPA in conjunction with the Bureau …
Rancher Clive Bundy's sons, Aman and Ryan responded to this quasi-threat against the Bundy family by Sen. Harry Reid (D., Nev.) with a condemnation. [blockquote style="2"]Aman, Ryan, and Cliven Bundy spoke …
After days of suspicious silence, Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada) was willing to say a few words about the Bureau of Land Management's dispute with cattle rancher Cliven Bundy. “Well, …
"We were among 500 militiamen at the gates. The militia went muzzle to muzzle with BLM. Fingers on triggers, safeties off. We told them we're not backing down and …
In the face of threats from Bureau of Land Management bullhorn threats such as “one more step and you’re dead,” protesters continued their slow march towards BLM today. The …
Cliven Bundy has been battling the federal government since 1993 to graze his cattle on public land. Now, with the arrest of his son and confiscation of 234 of …
Living free from government dependency is harder now in Cape Coral, FL. Robin Speronis, has been ordered to hook up to the city's water supply because she's 'violating codes'. …
Our Supreme Court gave police a easy means to enter your home without a warrant earlier this year - as long as one occupant agrees. Judge Napolitano states, "The police …
The Supreme Court has ruled that police may search a home without a warrant if they arrest the resident who refuses them access. In a 2006 ruling, the court …
At the end of 2013 a man from Lovech, Bulgaria could not afford to pay the mortgage for his house, so he demolished it and dropped it right in …