Category: Human Rights
Ronald Reagan famously said the nine scariest words in the English language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." It is true that levels of distrust …
With discussions of terrorism being derailed by accusations of bigotry and hatred, Democrats in the House of Representatives introduced House Resolution 569 this month. Ostensibly, the bill is merely …
The juxtaposition of radical feminism and the ISIS Female Brigade is startling, as one claims to have women's rights in mind and the other wants to control all women's …
We are living in a time when the due process protections of the Fourth Amendment are more important than ever. Back in 2012, couple Adam and Jennifer Perry were …
The Muslim leaders in this country need to take aim at the radicals in our midst and not at Trump or other Presidential candidates who speak forcefully against Islamic terrorism. …
The standards of sensitivity in modern America are so bizarre and mixed up that it's impossible to explain or even think about them without sending yourself straight to the …
Sharia law is the law of the land in Brunei but not the law for the law giver, the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, who according to a former harem girl, indulges …
The radical LGBT group, Human Rights Campaign, is hate-filled bully. Nothing but their selfish agenda matters, as all must think like them and accept them while any other belief is bigotry …
The city of Beaumont, Texas is backpedaling on their demand that the officers must not hold Bible studies at the police department. The Bible study, which had been going on …
The Miss America pageant has become a source of political controversy yet again. With all the hubbub over Muslims right now, liberals such as Michael Moore are rallying to …