Category: Human Rights
Planned Parenthood has not been indicted for baby parts peddling, but rather the investigative journalists, David Daleiden, who uncovered their butchering ways, has been indicted by the Texas Grand Jury. …
The National Religious Broadcasters is to the First Amendment, what the NRA is to the Second Amendment, fighting for the rights of Christians that have been methodically eroded by …
The emergence of a violent, intolerant, murderous strain of Islam seems to have caught Western intellectuals and Leftists by surprise, and they still insist that what is exhibited by …
The FBI has released two videos of the chase and final moments that led to the death of LaVoy Finicum, one of the ranchers who had been occupying the …
It is statistics like this that makes it abundantly clear that the criminal justice originally envisioned by the Founding Fathers has become a farce, a parody of what it used …
Gun control advocates such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton say they only want "common sense" laws that will decrease gun related injuries or deaths, but quite simply, they …
Well, it was bound to happen during one of the battles between the feds and American ranchers. The standoff in Oregon has ended with one of the ranchers dead and …
The standoff between ranchers in Oregon and the federal government is continuing, with the government becoming more determined than ever to crush the budding rebellion. The ranchers, dubbed militia …
At this point, everybody yawns when people, usually self-loathing left-wing activists, compare America to Nazi Germany. In one particular instance, however, it is not some bleeding heart liberal making …
James Bell Tavern, Bill of Rights Birthplace In Silver Spring Township, Pennsylvania, an old stone house was slated for demolition. In fact, on January 6th demolition was begun, but …