Category: Human Rights
It appears that the government has about as much respect for the privacy of citizens in Britain as the government has for us here. In one of the most …
It has been painful to see the heavy hand of the federal government coming down on citizens and territories alike over the past few presidencies, seemingly without recourse or …
It looks like at least one person in our judicial system remembers that they serve the people, not the government. Ruling in favor of North Carolina convenience store owner …
If you watched the Super Bowl this weekend -- and it's likely you did -- you very well may have been subject to a subtle, yet prominent attack on …
The European Union is trying to reach it's claws even further than anyone imagined it would before, transforming the overbearing multi-national bureaucracy into a potentially electronic-world-threatening powerhouse. Deliberating in …
When it comes to being generous with other people's money, Barack Obama has no equal. There are millions of illegal aliens in the U.S. who, it is said, are …
The Obama administration seems to be much more interested in welcoming illegal immigrants into the country and allowing them to stay here indefinitely than in enforcing the law …
The intolerance of the left has grown so much that its adherents cannot even bear to hear dissenting opinions without feeling "threatened". Don't believe it? Look to Texas Christian …
Retired liberal professor Bill Ayers has lived a privileged life as a college professor, a writer, a speaker, and an unrepentant attempted murderer and communist thug. His constant refrain …
The United Nations resides on American soil, and the U.S. pays about 25% of the total budget of the U.N. It is therefore illogical that the U.N. has become …