Category: Human Rights
Democrats will stop at nothing to overburden the American economy and swamp the nation with illegal immigrants who they hope will be given amnesty and then become dependable Democrat …
If you asked most U.S. citizens what concerns them most about their safety and welfare, they would answer that street crime and break-ins are number one, and many have …
A major decision that will impact Minnesotans' privacy rights is waiting to be heard in the state's court of Appeals. It all started off simply enough. Jason and Jackie …
The standoff at the Oregon Wildlife refuge was a huge poke in the eye to the federal government, and they are determined to exact their pound of flesh, and …
It seems that today's college students have a hard time wrapping their minds around Constitutional rights such as free speech and the right to bear arms. They would prefer …
It is incredibly telling when Christian and Yazidi women and children, who have fled for their lives to find refuge in Europe, must again flee from that same Muslim …
Jade Helm 16 or Unconventional Warfare Exercise 16 (UWEX 16) has kicked off the new year by continuing the operations of Jade Helm 15. Like the first, Jade 2 …
The standoff at the Malheur wildlife refuge in Oregon has officially ended, with the last four holdouts turning themselves in on Thursday. The protest started when agents took two …
With tensions between ranchers and the federal government at an all time high, one state is considering taking the fight on behalf of it's citizens to Washington D.C. Inhabited …
Government keeps growing and consuming more and more of our wealth. And the political class knows that the bigger government grows, the more opportunities they have for higher pay, …