Category: Human Rights
The War on Terror is presented in such a way by the mainstream media that it leaves its viewers with a narrow minded perception of it; the censorship is …
The order to remove Old Glory from work trucks or be terminated has created an army of iron-workers and riggers who will not comply. Industrial Piping Incorporated is a …
The federal government is determined to silence and incarcerate anyone involved in the Oregon wildlife refuge demonstration and the Cliven Bundy ranch standoff, neither of which led to violence …
Barack Obama recently invited Black Lives Matter activists to the White House to discuss their "issues" and to congratulate them on being, as Obama stated, "better activists than he …
The movement against the BLM and Forestry Service western lands takeover continues to build, with the aftermath of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge demonstration and the slaying of rancher …
Never say anything derogatory against Queen Hillary on a United Airlines flight, or you could end up being thrown off. Andrew of San Francisco called the Rush Limbaugh show and …
The anti-free speech crowd is getting a taste of what it wants for anybody who exercises their First Amendment rights in ways they don't approve of. Video of a …
How much of the mainstream media can the Clinton's get their hands on? The Clinton's control so much of it that even a television network that spent $40 million …
The U.S. economy is still struggling from the 2009 recession, and many companies are also still recovering, in spite of the reassurances from the Obama administration that all is …
Emperor Barack Obama has once again decided by executive fiat that the Federal government "needs" more land, and so he is taking it. No purchase, no vote, no participation …