Category: Human Rights
Last week's violent protest that shut down a Donald Trump rally marked, for some, one of the ugliest moments in modern American politics. Thousands of people successfully silenced the …
It is hard sometimes to choose whether one should laugh or get angry with frustration over the incomprehensible reasoning that supports the opinions of Socialists, in this case Bernie …
Bit by bit, the federal government and it's component agencies are crossing the Rubicon that lies between a constitutional republic and a police state. In spite of massive push-back …
Fifteen year's in a North Korean prison with hard labor is the future for American tourist, Otto Warmbier, the 21-year-old University of Virginia undergrad, convicted of subversion. The trial …
The Donald Trump campaign seems to elicit the extremes in the body politic. He is attracting huge crowds of supporters with his populist message, while the Republican establishment looks …
MoveOn and Black Lives Matter have used violence and bully tactics to keep a Trump rally from happening in Chicago. Though they may claim victory for shutting down the …
This week, Donald Trump had to cancel a campaign planned in Chicago moments before it began due to threats of violence from a mob formed outside of the venue. …
The Obama Administration has for years demonized those with anti-government sentiments, but now they've gone one step further. They're calling in the FBI. The FBI recently put out a …
The execution of LaVoy Finicum, one of the rancher leaders at the Oregon wildlife refuge occupation earlier this year, is being played over and over by law enforcement, determined …
It seems to me that Lefty university professors and government workers have far too much time on their hands, not enough work to do, and a decided bent for …