Category: Human Rights
The Obama administration has just usurped one of the most significant rights accorded to property owners: the right to determine who should be able to live on it. In …
They scream intolerance when they don't get their way, using bully tactics and slandering good people in the press, while claiming that their rights have been violated. This is …
Reminiscent of the statement that "slaves don't have constitutional rights", Hillary Clinton told Chuck Todd that unborn children don't have constitutional rights. Yes, she IS that repulsive. According to …
The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) met this week in New York, and got right to business deciding which countries to condemn for the violations …
Actor Robert Deniro recently stopped promoting the release of the film VAXXED: from Cover-Up to Catastrophe when initially he backed the documentary as he was assured that the CDC whistle blower, …
In the Old Testament book of Isaiah, we are warned "woe be unto those who call good evil, and evil good." This scripture applies to other times and peoples, …
'What's good for the goose is good for the gander' is the philosophy of several atheist and satanic groups in Western Colorado. On April 1, 2016, these secular groups …
When a Christian decides not to bake a cake for a same-sex wedding the grounds that it goes against their religion, they are sued for refusing to do the …
There is such a great divide in America and Trump rallys offer a micro-view of how ripped apart our nation has become since Obama, the Divider-in-Chief, took office. Political …
Christians have been criticized and even sued for the free practice of their own religion, and often the stories make headline news -- with the christians painted as the …