Category: Human Rights
Chicken is America's number one meat, whether fried, barbecued or broasted, it is delicious. The amount of work it takes to get this tasty bird to one's table is …
The transition from P.C. culture to P.C. law is well underway. No longer satisfied by publicly shaming people and politicians who refuse to subscribe to politically correct methods of …
The National Anthem, sung at the 9/11 Memorial, seems to be an appropriate way to honor those who died, as well as those who continue to fight the war …
Besieged Christian businesses have been battling against gay and lesbian couples who demand that they ignore their deeply held religious convictions and use their artistic talents to make wedding …
Liberal court decisions are also imposed by preventing selected cases from being presented before the court. With the death of Justice Scalia, court ideology is evenly split, and justice …
Everything bad in the world is because of Christianity, according to Paul Kivel, a lecturer at the 2016 White Privilege Conference, in Philadelphia. He made the preposterous statement that …
Remember Kim Davis, "the elected County Clerk in Kentucky who denied a gay couple a marriage license, citing her religious beliefs and going against her conscience as the reasons …
While waiting for a cab at the Abu Dhabi International Airport, a 25 year-old American woman was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor for allegedly insulting the United Arab …
Fascists, dictators and frauds are anxious to control the public narrative because it can expose them for what they truly are. Although it is said that truth is an …
When there are illegal and nefarious activities abounding, there is a wise adage that says to "follow the money." That is often a reasonable path to discover the true …